Dedicating New Spiritual Direction Spaces at Guiding Light

larry holding a framed blessing

Throughout the early months of 2023, Guiding Light staff has been hard at work renovating two rooms that have been dedicated spaces for the men of our Recovery program to receive Spiritual Direction. These renovations, made possible through the generous donations of Larry and Judy Fredericks, have allowed us to create two safe, peaceful, and therapeutic spaces for men recovering from addiction to form a better relationship with God. In May 2023, we were able to formally open these spaces and dedicate them to our long serving Spiritual Director Larry Slager. Larry has been volunteering at Guiding Light for over a decade, helping men to develop their spirituality and move forward in their lives. The following is the transcript from the dedication, officiated by Guiding Light Executive Director Brian Elve.

“I can’t remember the exact timing. So we purchased these two homes, and I remember sitting in a meeting with some staff and we were like, what are we gonna name ’em? And we have, at this time in our history, we had three spiritual directors that had a big, big impact on the men in the organization. And their names were Esther and Karen. And so naming one of those houses, Esther, was very easy, the biblical reference that made it very easy. And we were stuck with a name, Karen. And we kind of looked around the room and I don’t remember everything that was said, but like, how can you name one for Esther, and not include Karen. So I got on the phone and called Karen, and asked ‘what’s your middle name?’ And she said, Ruth. And we looked at each other and said, we’re in business. And so we were able to celebrate the start of those two homes with a ceremony and a dedication, in honor of those two women that have really strongly impacted us men in the program, the institution of Guiding light.”

“And here we are tonight to celebrate Larry, who I hope you hear a little bit more about, had an integral heart in those women coming here and doing spiritual direction too. So we are here to say thank you to Larry for your service by dedicating two spiritual direction rooms that we’ve updated. Because if something’s important to you, you usually take care of it. And I hope you get a chance to look at these two rooms. And we’re dedicating these two rooms to Larry Slager. These rooms were funded by the generosity of Larry and Judy Fredericks.”

“Hopefully these men can experience in those rooms, God, in a different way. So thank you. I doubt Larry had any idea where his journey would go with Guiding Light when he first visited here around 13 years ago, Larry’s had a direct and massive impact, not only on the men, but the program itself. My experience with Larry is someone who is careful, slow to make judgment, someone who’s a patient, listener, curious, steady, and maybe most importantly, loving. Larry has truly offered his heart his time, his thoughtful consideration, his careful intention to honor the sacred space of walking along the side of men as they experience their soul and their understanding of God. Our spiritual journey isn’t made to be done alone, but it is at the same time a very personal and private journey. Larry has offered that space in relationship to the men who come here. He offered it to me when I was in the program. Larry, we cannot say thank you enough. The impact you’ve had on this organization. It’s a very personal story because I’ve seen this program change because of him and others like him, Esther and Karen.”


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