Community Partners

Guiding Light is a team dedicated to walking alongside individuals as they engage in the hard work of transformation, embrace their God-given dignity, and pursue the potential of their lives. We can succeed in our mission because of our community partners.

Thank you to Guiding Light's community partners!

We are blessed to have so many Community Partners who believe in supporting the journey from addiction to connection. These individuals, companies, foundations, and community organizations share their treasure with us because they believe in transforming men’s and women’s lives.

To learn more about becoming a Guiding Light Community Partner contact David Madiol at




Guiding Values

These are five foundational values of Guiding Light:


 …Jesus said, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, and I must go and wake him up.” Jn 11:11


“Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.” Prov 12:11


“In all things give thanks for this is the will of our God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thes 5:18


“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. However, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.” Heb 12:11-12


 “Do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as is the habit of some, but exhort and encourage one another especially as you see the day drawing near.” Heb 10:25


In Him was life, and that Life was the light of all mankind.

JOHN 1:4

Our story

A local charity founded in history, continuing in service

Through Rescue, Recovery, and Re-Engagement, Guiding Light is committed to walking alongside individuals as they engage in the hard work of transformation, embrace their God-given dignity, and pursue the potential of their lives. We combine innovative programming with long-term relational investment to offer men and now women struggling with chronic addiction – and associated homelessness, unemployability, and isolation – a unique and successful solution. 

Founded in 1929, right before the Great Depression hit, Guiding Light has seen many different eras in our community. One thing that remains the same is Guiding Light’s commitment to serve those experiencing poverty, addiction, and cycles of broken relationships. Based in the Heartside neighborhood, with affordable sober-living apartments in Kentwood as a next option after completing our addiction rehab program, Guiding Light offers programming to address big-picture issues: Employment… Housing… Addiction Rehab and Recovery, and Community Re-building.

No longer the traditional homeless shelter from which we began, we are committed to both the non-duplication of services and being good neighbors to the life-giving local charity organizations around us. In addition to our primary programs, we still continue to:

  • Provide a warming/cooling center in times of extreme temperatures
  • Offer warm clothes, coats, and boots to those needing winter gear
  • Share significant amounts of food and food supplies with our neighboring Heartside organizations and surrounding communities.

But our own strategy of helping the homeless has changed to one that, when successful, takes the homeless or downtrodden man off the street permanently. When he takes yet another step and helps others on a similar journey, the circle of sustainability continues.


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