When Drew was dropped off at the doors of Guiding Light four years ago, his dad gave him a business card to keep in his wallet. The front of this card had his dad’s contact information and looked like any other business card. But on the back were these words: “Please Contact to Arrange For My Proper Burial.”
Drew’s family had tried everything – grace, threats, rehab programs, financial support, ultimatums – and yet his addiction continued to spiral out of control. After losing another job and having no place to go, his dad brought him to Guiding Light with an unspoken goodbye.
I saw Drew and his father a few months ago. When I brought up the topic of “the card” – which Drew still has in his wallet – his dad looked at me and tears started running down his face. “My son is back. I have my son back,” he cried.
This is a dramatic story, but it not an unusual story here at Guiding Light. This really is life and death.
Our donor-supported programming is intense. It’s structured. And it all starts with getting up before 6 am and making your bed. It’s about WAKING UP, not just from a night of sleep but to a deep gratitude for the life we’ve been given by God. This type of waking up happens in community. It happens when you’re held accountable, when you’re surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, when you’re committed to doing the next right thing, and open to receiving relationship from others.
I thank God that I now write you as a husband, father, executive director. Miracles are possible with your support. We ask you to join us again in continuing the life-changing work of moving men and women from death to life, from addiction to recovery. Your investment provides food, shelter, clothes, and showers for today as well as equipping men and women for years to come.
Brian Elve – Executive Director of Guiding Light