The journey from darkness to light is long, made up of many steps – each of them a miracle.
With grace and time, these miracles begin to add up. And every day at Guiding Light, we get to witness the result: a movement from despair to hope. From death to life.
This is what we have seen over the past year as we delivered on the promise of recovery reimagined.
As you can see in the report below, we have invested in the excellence of existing programs to help more people find hope for a future they could never have imagined – sober, employed, restored to God and family.
In our longstanding men’s programs, we saw the milestone of a year of sobriety at roughly double the national average. We expanded our success to serve women. And we put our commitment into action as good neighbors providing service to our community.
Nearly 2 years ago, I took on the role of executive director of Guiding Light because I know what this place means for the lives of the men and women we serve. I have experienced it. The program is sound, it is dynamic, and it is my honor to steward it.
I invite you to do the same. Reinvest in the lives we serve. Reimagine the miracles that are possible.