Guiding Light Focus Points: Vulnerability

men hugging at a meeting

Guiding Light’s programming has seven foundational focus points. Each of these seven principles are thoroughly, comprehensively, and holistically explored in our curriculum: Willingness, Honesty, Vulnerability, Self-Awareness, Self-Compassion, Responsibility, and Spiritual Formation.

We believe these characteristics give individuals the best opportunity for life-long recovery, and are intended to be internalized in a personal way; how can each individual make then their own, live them out, make decisions based in them?

Vulnerability is one of seven of our recovery program’s focus points, and it’s a challenging one! Maybe it’s easier to talk about this concept in terms of courageous living or whole-heartedness. Any way you phrase it, it can be a little scary, something that sounds better in theory than it feels in practice. It’s the focus of programming this week. What would our lives look like if we stepped into the unknown and took a wise risk: express our heart, share, initiate a reconciliation, have the hard conversation, live out our higher values in the face of uncertain outcomes? Doing the right thing regardless of how it turns out.

This is a different way to live, it’s a bold way to live, and it’s how we’re asking the men and women in our programs to live. So, we’re creating declarations, committing to acting on some things that we’ve been avoiding. It’s been a great week!


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