New Year, 9% Resolute

men working out in the gym

Did you know that researchers suggest that only 9% of Americans who make resolutions for the new year complete them? That’s not a great success rate. Here at Guiding Light, we know a bit about resolutions, willpower, and change. The men and women who come to us have had years of making promises, vows, goals, resolutions based outside of the reality of their lives, based in unreasonable and unsustainable willpower. They keep failing. They can’t maintain sobriety. So when individuals come to us, we do not ask them to “try harder” or “set better goals” — we ask them to try differently.

There are no quick fixes in long-term change. We want to see change from deep inside, where God changes hearts and minds and the evidence of that is in changed behavior, renewed countenance, and clear eyes. It’s slow, it’s daily, it’s repetitive, it’s often not exciting AND it’s life-changing! You’ve heard us say it once, and we’ll say it again: sometimes, it starts with something as simple as making your bed each morning. So as we start this new year of 2024, join us as we soften our hearts to hear from God and as we lean into Him to make our paths straight (Prov 3:5-6) and our knees strong (Hebr 12:12) in making each next right choice. It’s a new year and for the men and women you invest in, it’s a new life!


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