Damon’s Journey From Utter Desperation to a New Life Filled With Faith, Hope
At one point in his life, Damon Whitmore was on top of the world, living in a gorgeous home on five acres alongside a beautiful wife and daughter.
At one point in his life, Damon Whitmore was on top of the world, living in a gorgeous home on five acres alongside a beautiful wife and daughter.
Over the weekend, the men from Iron House got together to do a little spring cleaning around the apartments.
On Sunday, April 10th, Guiding Light held our Easter Grab and Go event from noon to 1:30pm.
One of the primary reasons why the Guiding Light Recovery program is so successful is the emphasis we place on long-term healing and rehabilitation.
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Every two months, men in the Guiding Light Recovery program head up north towards Newaygo to spend a few days at Camp Henry.
The first Monday of every month, clients of the Guiding Light Recovery program travel to St. Mary’s Cathedral in downtown Grand Rapids to attend Taizé.
Ray arrived at the doors of Guiding Light about three months ago asking for admittance into the Recovery program, a four-month, intensive and professional substance abuse treatment program offered at no financial cost to clients.
This past February 9, Donnie celebrated six months of sobriety, and now spends much of his time researching employment options.
Kyle Kunnen, a senior vice president and information security officer at Mercantile Bank, has joined Guiding Light’s board of directors.