Spiritual Discussions at Guiding Light

Every Thursday at 8am the men at Guiding Light gather for a spiritual discussion. This is a time when a man in the program is given about half an hour to talk to his peers about his spiritual journey in recovery. One of the unique aspects of our programming is that we approach men’s problems with addiction as a spiritual sickness as much as a physical and a mental one.

Men who are chosen to present for the weekly spiritual discussion typically open with an excerpt from scripture or a devotional reading that resonates with them. They share how it is relevant to their journey in recovery. This week it was Allen’s turn to present his thoughts on his spiritual condition. He opened by reading Psalm 34:4-7:

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.”

Allen then shared an excerpt from the book My Daily Devotional by Johnny Hunt entitled “God is Faithful in Times of Great Danger”. He related this to the precipitous journey that miraculously landed him here at Guiding Light.

Allen walked through the doors of 255 Division Avenue one month ago after he had finally decided that he had enough of living in active addiction for over thirty years.

It was around seven weeks ago that Allen found himself in a hospital bed, incredulous as to how he was still alive. From there he was taken to a medically-assisted detox facility. Allen found out about Guiding Light Recovery by chance from a flyer. “I had never even heard of this place.”

Allen has gone through many trials and tribulations in his life and says that “there is a reason I am still here.” He believes that God has a plan for him and that it is not a coincidence that he found his way to Guiding Light.

Today, Guiding Light is moving forward on our mission and continuing to accept men into our Recovery and Back to Work programs. The only cost for men accepted into our social programs is their willingness to change. We recognize that none of this would be possible without the selflessness of our donors, volunteers, and supporters. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for giving men like Allen a chance to change and transform their lives here.


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