Men in Recovery Check-In

Every Wednesday at 1:30 pm the men and staff of Guiding Light’s Recovery program meet for “check-in.” This is a time for the men enrolled in our four-month program to discuss their week so far, and to voice any concerns they have with staff or each other. 

A philosophical cornerstone of the Recovery program is that men need to feel comfortable and free to voice how they are feeling without fear of judgement or retribution from others. Program Director Brian Elve has coined the phrase that Recovery is a “safe place for truth telling.”

Years, often decades, of prolonged substance abuse can cause huge emotional disconnects within oneself. Someone struggling with addiction, especially in early recovery, can have a very difficult time finding out why they feel the way that they do and why they have this seemingly overpowering compulsion to abuse drugs and alcohol. They also have an inherently arduous time trusting, connecting, and being open with others. This is why meetings like the check-in, where clients and staff can all meet on a level playing field, is so important.

It is important to establish a culture of trust and accountability among men who, for so long, have simply not had that in their lives. Learning to trust others and becoming willing to being open about your emotions is a huge barrier that men have to breakthrough in order to begin the journey of long-term sobriety, and our Recovery program is designed to facilitate that.

Success rates for Guiding Light Recovery are incredibly high relative to other similar substance abuse programs. 77% of the men that stay the course here, find employment, and move to Iron House, our sober-living community in Kentwood, are able to achieve sobriety for over a year. The only cost for men to enroll in Guiding Light Recovery is their willingness to change. We are able to sustain that model through the help of our generous donors, volunteers, and supporters.

Thank you so much for making the life changing work we do here at Guiding Light possible.


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