Guiding Light Focuses On Giving Tuesday as a Year-Round attitude.
What is Giving Tuesday?
Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity. Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Since then, it has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.
While it’s a great opportunity for Guiding Light and other non-profit organizations who rely entirely on the generosity of the community to get a pitch in for support, Giving Tuesday is also an attitude.
What is Guiding Light?
Men usually come to Guiding Light’s addiction rehab program broken, desperate – and completely self-obsessed. They are so determined to numb their pain or chase their next high that they’ve sacrificed everything until there is nothing left.
This is one reason why we aren’t interested in simply “not drinking” or “not using”: there is no inner transformation when you rely only on willpower and the pain of circumstance to stay sober and life a different life. The antidote to this destructive way of coping with life is connection with God and a grateful heart. It is spiritual transformation and a new way of being. Gratitude in action is service.
The addiction recovery program starts each and everyday with a group ritual where each individual gets to stand before his peers and share what he is grateful for. It’s not just about sharing what we’re thankful for but being willing to follow it up with consistent action, i.e. service.
The importance of gratitude isn’t a Thanksgiving Day activity for us here. Our programming is really a combination of being thankful and giving back to those around us. It’s Thanksgiving and Giving Tuesday attitude year-round here at Guiding Light – or at least that what we strive for!
This is a deep shift in being for individuals: moving from a place of taking and consuming to being so grateful they are active in service with their time, treasure, and talent. We want men to WAKE UP to the possibilities of their lives, and to be spiritually, emotionally, and physically transformed.
Why Give to Guiding Light?
We need your financial investment! This Giving Tuesday please consider donating today if you are able. We appreciate each and every prayer for the lives being changed, and are honored to steward your gifts that result in new life.