Our Values

Wake Up!

…Jesus said, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, and I must go and wake him up.” Jn 11:11

Wake up to the life God has given us and live! As a community, we determine to be aware, conscious, dynamic, hungry, and growing – with our eyes open to both the reality of what is and the possibility of what could be. We were asleep to reality, asleep to possibility, asleep to the hope God offers us. It’s time to wake up! …and make our beds.

Live at Cause.

“Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.” Prov 12:11

We are not victims of our circumstances or ‘stuck’ because of anything outside of us. We live from a place of power and possibility, where God is the ultimate source and we are free to act. We understand that willingness to act is the foundation of transformation, and that we can take action at every level of life, not just in the big moments. Today is a great day and I’m ready to take action!

Honor God's Gifts

“In all things give thanks for this is the will of our God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thes 5:18

We have been given great gifts by God, including LIFE and the opportunity to work, grow, live, and serve. Thankfulness, stewardship, and appreciation are all elements of honoring the gifts God has given us through others. Gratitude changes our internal landscape and perception of the world around us, providing us a different way to experience the elements of the day, hardships that arise, and unexpected circumstances that are a given. Understanding life – pain AND joy – as gifts from God allows us to live with open hands and open hearts, full of resiliency and hope.

Embrace the discomfort

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. However, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.” – Hebrews 12:11-12

Doing new things should not be comfortable; new results demand new ways of acting and new ways of being. We are committed to embracing the uncomfortable parts of life, including the discomfort inherent in growth and sanctification. What comes naturally is what we have always done, and so we determine to break patterns and embrace the discomfort of living life in a new way.

Show Up!

“Do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as is the habit of some, but exhort and encourage one another especially as you see the day drawing near.” Heb 10.25

Presence is power. Showing up creates possibility and is the first step in…almost anything. Being in community requires being present – showing up – and requires the vulnerability of letting our masks drop so we can have authentic, intimate relationships. Keep showing up so the miracle happens.

Looking back on this gift of time, space, and rigorous programming from our amazing donors, one client reflects,

“It’s been very humbling to realize people can be that generous. I don’t feel there’s any way I can repay them for what I’ve been given. I had nothing, and now I have everything.”

Dig into the details of our recovery program:

See the impact donors have on lives:

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Strategic Plan

Guiding Light’s Board of Directors and staff present our 2022-2025 strategic plan which continues our focus on the proven Christian-based recovery program and the possible expansion into a woman’s program (which is desperately needed here in West Michigan).

We of course continue our support of the Heartside and Grand Rapids community through sharing our food. We emphasize program review for excellence, and a renewed effort toward our guiding principles, including a focus on diversity and inclusion.


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