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Are Your Power of Attorney Documents Up-to-Date?

Who will handle decisions about your healthcare and your finances when you can’t?

Creating legal documents to specify your trusted decision-makers is important. Just as essential is making sure they remain up-to-date.

There are several reasons why these critical documents may need revisions:

  • Your wishes regarding your care have changed
  • Your property has changed in value or composition
  • You’ve moved across state lines
  • The people you named are no longer able or trusted to make your decisions
  • Your family dynamics have evolved
  • State laws have changed

For example, in recent years, many states have updated their laws around “power of attorney” and “power of attorney for healthcare” forms. The specific names of these documents vary from state to state, and recent changes include new requirements, as well as additional provisions that can be included in your plans.

Bottom line, if it’s been a while since your power of attorney documents were prepared, it’s worth calling your lawyer to see if an update is needed.

Having finalized, up-to-date documents offers peace of mind for you and your family, in case of the unexpected.

Who are the participants you should include in your plan? Request your free copy of “The People in Your Plan” by emailing Starla McDermott at or call 616-451-0236 x20.


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