Centering Prayer Returns
On Friday, Guiding Light volunteer Esther Yff-Prins entered our building for the first time in nearly a year to hold centering prayer with clients enrolled in the Recovery program.
On Friday, Guiding Light volunteer Esther Yff-Prins entered our building for the first time in nearly a year to hold centering prayer with clients enrolled in the Recovery program.
When you give non-cash assets to Guiding Light, you will receive a fair market value deduction at the time of your gift.
With 28 men now enrolled in Guiding Light Recovery, we have been forced to move our “morning ritual” out of the common space and in to the chapel.
Ryan came through the doors of Guiding Light five months ago after deciding he had enough of living a life in active addiction to drugs and alcohol.
Men accepted into Guiding Light are required to carry out long-term personal development projects throughout their four-month stay at the mission.
On Friday, clients from the Guiding Light Recovery program had a chance to visit Iron House, our sober living apartment complex in Kentwood.
Clients of Guiding Light Recovery, after moving to Iron House, our sober-living community in Kentwood, and achieving one year of sobriety, celebrate by putting their names on our wall of sobriety.
On February 3rd, Nurses from Cherry Health came to Guiding Light to give our staff members vaccinations against the COVID-19 virus.
Thanks to Guiding Light, Javier has a strong foundation with a lot of the focus points – willingness, honesty, self-compassion.
At Guiding Light, we seek to actively break the perpetuation of this stereotype not so much for the outsider looking in, but for our clients themselves living in our facility.