I Have Some Hope: Guiding Light Helps Victor Cope with Decades of Trauma, Depression, Alcohol
When Victor landed on the doorstep of Guiding Light in February, he hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol in nearly five years – but he was far from sober.
When Victor landed on the doorstep of Guiding Light in February, he hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol in nearly five years – but he was far from sober.
Willingness, honesty, vulnerability, self-awareness, self-compassion, responsibility, and spiritual formation are important principles to live by for men seeking to free themselves from the bondage of drugs and alcohol.
Every Friday morning, the men of Guiding Light Recovery attend Centering Prayer with Spiritual Director, Esther Yff-Prins.
Scott lost his mother a month into his Recovery program at Guiding Light, a loss so deep it would have sent the “old” him running for a six pack.
If Dennys has learned one thing while at Guiding Light, it’s this: He couldn’t recover on his own.
For Jeremy Hasty, walking through the doors of 255 Division Ave. S five years ago is where it all began.
At one point in his life, Damon Whitmore was on top of the world, living in a gorgeous home on five acres alongside a beautiful wife and daughter.
One of the primary reasons why the Guiding Light Recovery program is so successful is the emphasis we place on long-term healing and rehabilitation.
Every two months, men in the Guiding Light Recovery program head up north towards Newaygo to spend a few days at Camp Henry.
The first Monday of every month, clients of the Guiding Light Recovery program travel to St. Mary’s Cathedral in downtown Grand Rapids to attend Taizé.